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屋顶绿化5种常绿植物的抗旱性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选更多耐粗放管理且抗旱性强的屋顶绿化常绿植物,选取在西安露地广泛应用且须根发达无主根的5种常绿灌木:金叶女贞、金边黄杨、南天竹、海桐、红叶石楠进行干旱胁迫,通过观察植株外部形态特征的变化,并对其叶片的生理指标:相对含水量、细胞质膜透性、叶绿素、丙二醛、脯氨酸的含量进行测定,利用隶属函数值法进行综合评价。结果表明,5种常绿灌木的抗旱性排序依次为金边黄杨>海桐>红叶石楠>金叶女贞>南天竹,应用于屋顶绿化时,金叶女贞、南天竹应加强灌溉措施。总体而言说明5种常绿灌木基本能适应西安市的气候条件和屋顶环境。  相似文献   
【目的】研究春玉米密植群体优化栽培模式下冠层结构特征,并探索其对冠层生产的调控机制及对产量提高的贡献。【方法】以耐密高产品种“中单909”为试验材料,设置105 000 株/hm2种植密度,采用深松(S)、宽窄行(W)及化控(C)的组合,形成4种根-冠优化栽培模式:(1)传统模式(旋耕20 cm,60 cm等行距,RU),(2)耕层优化模式(深松耕作35 cm,60 cm等行距,SU),(3)冠层优化模式(传统旋耕20 cm,80 cm+40 cm宽窄行,叶面喷施磷酸胆碱合剂ECK,RWC),(4)综合优化模式(深松耕作35 cm,80 cm+40 cm宽窄行,叶面喷施磷酸胆碱合剂ECK,SWC)。比较不同栽培模式下冠层大田切片(垂直)、群体光分布、光合性能、蔗糖合成酶活性及籽粒灌浆的差异。【结果】相较于常规栽培模式(RU),耕层优化模式(SU)的玉米冠层叶片干物质增加,冠层优化模式(RWC,SWC)下密植群体株高和穗位高降低30 cm以上,但群体整齐度下降明显;RWC和SWC处理,叶片垂直分布似“纺锤型”更为均匀,垂直高度180—240 cm的光能截获相比传统模式显著降低8%—37%,而穗位以下(120—180 cm)相比传统模式提高44%—129%;RU和SU处理呈现“漏斗型”株型特征,叶片集中分布在冠层顶部。根-冠协同优化可改良高密玉米群体冠层垂直结构,显著提高穗位及穗下叶片的叶绿素含量、净光合速率,增加穗位叶蔗糖磷酸合酶(SPS)和蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性,维持生育后期冠层叶片的生理活性,延长干物质活跃积累期10 d以上。【结论】综合优化模式(SWC)改变冠层干物质空间分布,增加了密植群体中下部光能截获和光合碳代谢能力,促进了花后冠层物质生产及籽粒灌浆,显著增加玉米籽粒产量。  相似文献   
牻牛儿基牻牛儿基焦磷酸合酶(Geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase,GGPS)是萜类合成途径的结构酶,对植物生长发育具有重要意义。本研究通过RACE和RT-PCR方法克隆得到5条潜在的茶树GGPS序列,分别命名为CsGGPS1-4和CsGGPS9,其中CsGGPS9存在3条等位基因,分别是CsGGPS9-1、CsGGPS9-2和CsGGPS9-3,在系统进化树上与其他基因分成两支。蛋白质序列分析表明,茶树GGPS家族成员都具有polyprenyl_synt结构域,不存在信号肽序列。亚细胞定位预测结果显示,CsGGPS1、CsGGPS2和CsGGPS4定位在叶绿体上,CsGGPS3和CsGGPS9定位在线粒体上。通过Swiss Model进行三维建模,结合"three-floor"模型对茶树GGPS家族成员的功能进行预测,预测结果显示,CsGGPS1、CsGGPS2和CsGGPS4是GGPS;CsGGPS3是异源二聚体形式的牻牛儿基焦磷酸合酶的小亚基;CsGGPS9的催化主产物是碳链数大于30的异戊烯基焦磷酸。q RT-PCR分析表明,CsGGPS1整体表达丰度较低,仅在一芽二叶中表达量稍高;CsGGPS2在茶树各个组织中均有表达,在花中表达量最高,且花发育过程中表达量先上升后下降;CsGGPS3在叶和幼根中的表达量高于花,花发育过程中表达平稳;CsGGPS4在茶树各个组织中表达量数值相近,在花发育过程中表达量变化趋势与CsGGPS2相同;CsGGPS9的表达量在成熟叶中显著低于幼嫩叶片。  相似文献   
Plants have developed different mechanisms to absorb and solubilize phosphorus (P) in the soil, especially in environments with low P availability. This study evaluated the effects of different winter cover crops on soil P availability in a clayey subtropical (Hapludox) soil receiving soluble P fertilizer and a rock phosphate applied to the summer crop, under no‐tillage. The experiment was carried out over 3 yrs (2009–2011) with five different cover crop species: common vetch, fodder radish, ryegrass, black oat, white clover and fallow as control. The soil was sampled after the third year of cover crop cultivation and analysed for inorganic and organic P forms according to the well‐established Hedley fractionation procedure. Phosphate fertilizers promoted accumulation of both labile and nonlabile P pools in soil in the near surface layer, especially under rock phosphate. Fertilizer applications were not able to change P fractions in deeper layers, emphasizing that the Brazilian clayey soils are a sink of P from fertilizer and its mobility is almost nil. Although the cover crops recycled a great amount of P in tissue, in a short‐term evaluation (3 yrs) they only changed the content of moderately labile P in soil, indicating that long‐term studies are needed for more conclusive results.  相似文献   
中国农业植物新品种保护与DUS测试技术发展现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为农业知识产权体系中一项重要内容,植物新品种权发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文介绍了国内外植物新品种保护的发展历程以及中国农业植物新品种保护和DUS测试技术发展现状和存在的问题。  相似文献   
水稻对稻飞虱抵御机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为更好地利用水稻自身抵御能力遏制稻飞虱为害,综述了水稻抵御稻飞虱的物理、生化效应和机制的研究现状。水稻抵御稻飞虱的物理机制包括宏观的水稻叶脉间距、宽度,钩毛和纤细毛密度、长度,硅含量和微观的粗纤维、胼胝质含量及叶绿体膜稳定性;生化机制涉及水分、可溶性糖、叶绿素、游离氨基、酶物质活性及挥发物的含量。国内外虽广泛涉及水稻自身固有的物理结构及体内生理生化物质对稻飞虱的抵御效应研究,但其分子机理研究较为匮乏,尚需深入系统的研究。  相似文献   
Grazed pastures based on ryegrass species provide most of the feed for dairy cattle in New Zealand. There are many cultivars of perennial (Lolium perenne), annual and Italian (L. multiflorum), and hybrid (L. boucheanum) ryegrasses available for dairy farmers to use in pasture renewal. This study describes an index which ranks ryegrass cultivars relative to a genetic base according to the estimated economic value (EV) of seasonal dry matter (DM) traits. A farm system model was used to derive EVs (Grazed pastures based on ryegrass species provide most of the feed for dairy cattle in New Zealand. There are many cultivars of perennial (Lolium perenne), annual and Italian (L. multiflorum), and hybrid (L. boucheanum) ryegrasses available for dairy farmers to use in pasture renewal. This study describes an index which ranks ryegrass cultivars relative to a genetic base according to the estimated economic value (EV) of seasonal dry matter (DM) traits. A farm system model was used to derive EVs ($ ha?1 calculated as change in operating profit divided by unit change of the trait) for additional DM produced in different seasons of the year in four regions. The EV of early spring DM was consistently high across all regions, whereas EV for late spring DM was moderate to low. Genotype × environment analysis revealed significant reranking of DM yield among ryegrass cultivars across regions. Hence, separate performance values (PVs) were calculated for two mega‐environments and then combined with the corresponding season and region EV to calculate the overall EV for twenty‐three perennial ryegrass and fifteen short‐term ryegrass cultivars. The difference in operating profit between the highest ranked and lowest ranked perennial ryegrass cultivar ranged from $556 ha?1 to $863 ha?1 year?1 depending on region. For short‐term ryegrasses used for winter feed, the corresponding range was $394 to $478 ha?1 year?1. Using PV for DM yield, it was estimated that plant improvement in perennial ryegrass has added $12–$18 ha?1 year?1 (depending on region) operating profit on dairy farms since the mid‐1960s.  相似文献   
乡镇污水处理厂运行管理相关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王星  贺建 《安徽农业科学》2014,(2):522-522,551
乡镇污水处理厂作为环保基础设施建设的重点,普遍存在重建设轻运营的问题。笔者结合重庆市实际情况,重点分析了乡镇污水处理厂运行管理中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了建议,包括提高收集率、完善末端工艺、专业化运营、改变考核体系、优化污泥处置、加强再生利用和远程在线监控等。  相似文献   
[Objective]The energy productivity potential of Saccharum spontaneum L.germplasm resources as energy plants was discussed in this paper.[Method]The energy productivity potential of Saccharum spontaneum L.germplasm resources collected from the wild was assessed from the aspects of cellulose,semicellulose,lignin and crude ash contents and caloric value.[Result]The total content of cellulose and semicellulose ranged from 41.75%to 69.13%,the lignin content ranged from 2.16%to 11.75%,the crude ash content ranged from 4.79%to 9.34%and the caloric value ranged from 16.00 to 17.69 MJ/kg among the 30 Saccharum spontaneum L.germplasms.Compared to other plants,Saccharum spontaneum L.had higher contents of cellulose and semicellulose,a higher caloric value but lower contents of lignin and crude ash.[Conclusion]From the perspective of producing fuel ethanol with lignocellulose,Saccharum spontaneum L.has a great potential for development as an energy plant.  相似文献   
为营造良好的医院户外空间,采用文献查阅和综合分析等方法对广州市3家大型综合医院的绿地植物景观进行研究。结果表明:3家医院共有植物116种,其中骨干树种和基调树种的重复率较高,乔灌比值偏小,常绿与落叶比相对合理,色彩应用设计合理。在交往空间的搭配中,广东省中医院的交往空间最丰富,广东省人民医院私密型空间较少,中山大学第一附属医院对病人户外交往空间考虑不够,空间应用的元素较为单一。  相似文献   
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